
01.01.2024: Overview of activities in the Ashram

In addition to the daily ceremonies (Aarti in the morning and evening, and Havan on Wednesday,

Saturday and Sunday) and a Kirtan-Evening every Sunday at 8:30 p.m, there is also the following program:

Ashramprogram first half of the year 2024


10.-12. Seminar "A Course in Miracles“ with Kushal Singh (program see the seperate blog)

19.05 YAGNA: 6:30 Paduka-Puja; 7:00 Aarti, 9:00 Yagna, 13:00 Lunch

23.05 Buddha Purnima: Buddhas birthday

25.-26. Donation-Based-Babaji-Weekend


15.-16.06 Weekend of togethernes (program see extra blog)

16.06 Ganga Dushera:: Celebration of the descent from goddess Ganga to earth

16.06 YAGNA: 6:30 Paduka-Puja; 7:00 Aarti, 9:00 Yagna, 13:00 Lunch

22.-23. Donation-Based-Babaji-Weekend

Outlook 2nd half of the year 2024

16.07. Sri Munirajji Jayanti: Celebration of Munirajji's birthday


26.-30.07 YOGA-Seminar with Desanca: Registrations under 0170-2860036.

19.08. Raksha Bandhan

31.08 Annual general meeting of the Haidakhan Samaj


Please register for the events or a visit to the Ashram as early as possible by email to

Übersicht über Aktivitäten im Ashram
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Der Bhole Baba Ashram

Vor mehr als 40 Jahren ins Leben gerufen, basiert der Bhole Baba Ashram auf den Lehren einer indischen Inkarnation des berühmten Haidakhan Baba, Babaji, der im Norden Indiens in einer Höhle erschienen ist. Er ist eingegliedert in einen gemeinn. Verein, der Haidakhan Gesellschaft e.V.

Der Bhole Baba Ashram


Haidakhan Gesellschaft e.V.

Bhole Baba Ashram
Kalkstück 11
51570 Windeck-Rieferath

Tel.: +49 (0)2243 6603